Back to school tomorrow, January 28, 2025!

Life after CVR!

What comes after CVR?
Explore the CEGEP and Vocational options across Quebec!

Need some help? Email Spiro Angelopoulos, CVR’s Academic and Career Counsellor!

What’s Your Plan?

Our Academic and Career Counsellor can help!

Spiro Angelopoulos works in our Student Services Department, helping CVR students explore education & career options. His advice? Don’t wait until Grade 11!

Spiro also shares information about scholarship and funding opportunities, tips on applying for whatever is next, and great resources to help students come up with a plan and set goals.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to set up an appointment!


Career Exploration!

XELLO is an interactive and personalized tool to help you gain a deeper understanding of your personality, your interests, your strengths, and to help you discover careers that might suit you. Log on and start exploring!

User name: Your NFSB email address
Password: Your DOB


What is SRAM? A network of Quebec CEGEPS that uses a single application process. Not all English CEGEPS are part of the network.

The PYGMA website is a great inter-active tool showing different CEGEPS and programs across Quebec.

Trades are IN! Explore the vocational options available in our area through the New Frontiers School Board, or what else is available across the province!

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